Saturday, December 15, 2012

Petruccelli L.T.D of North America asks; How can I grow my own superfoods this winter? (4)

Petruccelli L.T.D of North America says;  Cilantro

Cilantro is an exceptional herb that controls blood sugar, detoxifies heavy metals and possesses strong antibacterial properties. Research has shown that diabetics can benefit from cilantro consumption since it helps to increase the secretion of insulin and lowers blood sugar levels. As a mighty detoxifier, cilantro removes heavy metals like mercury by binding to the toxin and escorting it safely from the body. Cilantro is a prime source of dodecenal, a potent antibacterial agent. Scientists discovered that dodecenal was more effective in combating salmonella food poisoning than the commonly used antibiotic gentamicin. This tasty herb also eases hormonal mood swings, urinary tract infections, arthritis, liver complaints and digestive upset.