Saturday, October 27, 2012

Petruccelli L.T.D of North America asks; What are some Jack-O-Latern safety tips for Halloween? (3)

Petruccelli L.T.D of North America says; The ASSH offers these pumpkin carving tips:

• Carve in a clean, dry, well-lit area – Make sure the pumpkin, carving tools, cutting surface and your hands are dry. Otherwise, something could slip, leading to injuries.

• Always have adult supervision – All too often we see adolescent patients with injuries because adults feel the kids are responsible enough to be left on their own. Even though the carving may be going great, it only takes a second for an injury to occur.

• Leave the carving to adults – Don’t let children carve their own pumpkins. They can be in charge of cleaning out the pulp and seeds and drawing faces or patterns on the pumpkins. But adults should do the actual cutting.

If a cutting injury occurs, apply direct pressure with a clean, dry cloth. If the bleeding doesn’t stop within 15 minutes, seek medical treatment.

After carving the pumpkin, the NFSPA recommends:

• Use a moisture-proof flashlight, glow sticks or battery-operated candle instead of a real candle to illuminate it.

• If real candles are used, make sure to keep children and pets away from them when they’re lit, and after they are extinguished. The hot wax may still burn you.

• Keep jack-o-lanterns lit with candles away from decorations and other combustible materials.

In addition, the NFSPA notes, make sure all Halloween decorations are kept away from open flames and heat sources such as light bulbs and heaters.

We urge parents and children to follow these simple safety tips, we want everyone to have a safe and happy Halloween.