Petruccelli L.T.D of North America says;
Out of Site Really is Out of Mind - When putting up certain structures,
like fences, there is an actual measurable reduction in noise, but
because of the way sound waves travel, plants, trees, and hedges don't
actually provide the same benefit. However, it doesn't seem to matter
because they provide a "perceived reduction of noise!" How about that!
It's all due to something called, psycho acoustics. The visual stimulus
of the hedge or tree actually tricks the brain. So, when all else fails,
try improving the view rather than blocking it, and you might be
surprised at the result!
Here at Petruccelli L.T.D of North America we go above & beyond to find your dream home. We tailor our criteria to your person preferences and lifestyle. We will unlock the door to spectacular real estate, exclusive estates and the finest luxury homes. We work with the waterfront dream home, your golf course estate or your vacation getaway, let us assist you in your search from the comfort of your home or office. We can also be contacted through our website: