Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Petruccelli L.T.D of North America asks; What are the steps to the perfect in ground pool?(3)

Petruccelli L.T.D of North America says;   I'll never forget the look on my father's face the day I asked for an in-ground swimming pool. I must have been 10 or 11 years old, and he looked at me as if I'd asked for a helipad or another brother. "Go outside and run around the house," he barked. Not even close to the response I was hoping for.
Back then, above-ground swimming pools were popular, but "dug-in" pools were rather rare. In fact, there was only one in our entire neighborhood. Times sure have changed: According to the
Association of Pool and Spa Professionals, there are about 5 million existing in-ground pools in the U.S., and 175,000 to 200,000 new pools are built each year.