Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Michael Petruccelli asks; What should I do if Tropical Storm Isaac is predicted to turn into a hurricane?

Michael Petruccelli says;  The time to put your survival plan into action is when forecasters predict a possible hurricane is headed toward Pinellas County. Forecasters use a “cone of certainty” to show areas likely to be impacted by a storm. Do not wait until the last minute! You need to start getting ready as soon as the storm is predicted to hit near our county.
There is a 5-day cone, 3-day cone, Hurricane Watch and Hurricane Warning phases of a forecast. When you first hear of a possible hurricane you should start putting a plan into action.
Discuss it with your family and create a plan. Assign everyone a task. Help them learn to prepare so that later when on their own the will be on auto pilot & know what to do to be safe. Be a good example. Stay calm, a calm person makes better choices. No need to make everyone nervous or frightened.
Think about supplies to protect your home. Are you going to board up your windows? You might want to go to your local lumber /hardware store and purchase some form of window protection. Having it on hand never hurts. If the storm passes us, you will be prepared in advance & have less to do the  next go round.