Monday, July 21, 2014

Petruccelli L.T.D of North America asks: What are some ways to stay safe while camping? (9)

Petruccelli L.T.D of North America says:  Be prepared. Always be prepared for the unexpected. Before you leave, check the weather report, learn about security at your camp location and tell family and friends what your plans are. Know what to do when toilets are not available. Be sure to bring along a supply kit that includes a first aid kit, compass or GPS, map, flashlight, blankets, and batteries, food, clothes and medications. Know who to contact at the camp to report issues that may come up. When you return home, check for ticks, poison ivy, diarrhea and other problems.

Petruccelli L.T.D of North America asks: What are some ways to stay safe while camping? (8)

Petruccelli L.T.D of North America says:  Avoid water-related illness and injury. Camping often includes playing in and around the water. To help protect yourself and your fellow campers from illness, don’t swim if you have diarrhea, and don’t swallow the water you swim in. Take a shower before and after swimming. Never swim alone. If you plan to ride in a boat, canoe or other water vehicle, be sure to wear a life jacket. Avoid alcohol. Don't forget the safety of your pets.

Petruccelli L.T.D of North America asks: What are some ways to stay safe while camping? (7)

Petruccelli L.T.D of North America says: Protect yourself from the sun. Even on cloudy days, ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun can cause skin cancer, premature aging, and cataracts. Use a broad-spectrum (against UVA and UVB rays) sunscreen and lipscreen with at least SPF 15. Seek shade, when the sun’s rays are strongest. Cover up with clothing, a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Petruccelli L.T.D of North America asks: What are some ways to stay safe while camping? (6)

Petruccelli L.T.D of North America says:  Fight the bug bite. Mosquitoes, ticks and other insects can cause diseases. Apply insect repellent containing DEET to clothes and exposed skin. Apply the insect repellent permethrin to clothes to help keep ticks from attaching to them. Be sure to follow directions on the package. Check for ticks daily, and remove them promptly. Wear long sleeves, pants and other light-colored clothing to help prevent and spot ticks more easily.  Natural insect repellent is also very effective.

Petruccelli L.T.D of North America asks: What are some ways to stay safe while camping? (5)

Petruccelli L.T.D of North America says:  Enjoy physical activities safely. Camping is a great opportunity to enjoy walking, hiking, biking, or swimming. Be sure to bring protective gear, such as helmets, sturdy shoes and life jackets. Avoid poison ivy, poison oak and poison sumac. Know your limits, and take steps to avoid injury during activities. Never hike or swim alone. Watch kids closely.

Petruccelli L.T.D of North America asks: What are some ways to stay safe while camping? (4)


Petruccelli L.T.D of North America says: Practice fire safety. Make sure your campfire site is away from overhanging tree branches. Encircle the fire with a metal fire ring or rocks. Keep a bucket of water and shovel nearby. Never leave the fire unattended and be sure to completely put out your fire before you leave. Use fireproof cooking equipment.